Université Athabasca

Canada's Open University

Athabasca University is Canada’s Open University. Because we’re online, open, and flexible, students can pursue learning regardless of location, life circumstances, academic history, or age.

Athabasca University (AU) was founded on June 25, 1970 and introduced its first open, distance course in 1973.

AU is Canada’s Open University, meaning anyone at least 16 years old who wants to pursue a university education can do so.

AU is the only public university in Canada that’s fully digital by design, meaning all our programs and courses are created specifically for online spaces.

As an online university, our students learn from anywhere. We do not operate a traditional bricks-and-mortar campus for students.

AU is accredited by the Government of Alberta in Canada and the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

Ententes avec le Collège La Cité

Max. de crédits accordés
Administration des affaires
3Yr Diploma
Administration des affaires - finance
3Yr Diploma
Administration des affaires - comptabilité
3Yr Diploma
Administration des affaires - gestion des ressources humaines
3Yr Diploma
Technique en administration des affaires
2Yr Diploma
Technique en administration des affaires - administration publique
2Yr Diploma
  • CO Avec les programmes conjoints, l’étudiant a la possibilité de commencer au collège et de terminer à l’université OU de faire l’inverse.
  • PA Programme accéléré de 60 crédits : B.A. spécialisé en communications sociales
  • PASS Programme de passerelle

Liste des programmes

Bachelor of Commerce -with or without a major (4 year)

Bachelor of Human Resources and Labour Relations (3 year)

Bachelor of Management (3 years)

Bachelor of Science – with our without a major (4 years)


We value your previous education and life experience. You shouldn’t have to learn what you already know, that’s the main advantage of an open university! That’s why we can recognize prior learning as credit. As a result, you may need to take fewer courses to earn your degree, saving you both time and money. You must be enrolled in an AU program before your transfer or advanced credit can be evaluated. However, you can start the process by requesting an evaluation when you apply.

Explore our transfer credit options here: https://www.athabascau.ca/registrar/forms/tcas/

Processus d’admission

As an open university our admissions requirements for undergraduate students are simply that you be 16 years old and proficient in English. Apply Now: https://tux.athabascau.ca/oros/servlet/DispatcherServlet